
Install/Windows10/   When using a command line window, if anything is done in C:\ directly, open the window with Administrator privileges else can't even do a dir command with output redirected to a text file. On Windows 10: press windows key type 'command prompt' right-click, and select...

Particle Transport 2016: Thomas M. Jordan (1978-1982 revised) Attenuation between points x and x', isotropic emission/reception N(x,x') = exp(-sk)/(4πs 2); s = |x' - x|, u = (x' - x)/s k = total cross section, explictly k = k(Q'(Q,s)) sk = mean free path integral, uses explicit...

Secondary Electrons 2016 A few notes: specifically control variable 223 which says xray plane wave; in my NOVICE.fig file, it was set to 1 which says a plane wave xray problem, but it wasn't so 223 should be set to 0. Net effect when running a geo...

CATIA V5 detectors   Looking at a small box problem using a STEP file produced by CATIA V5 (started 2016feb05). All fine, STEP through CADLOOK to WRL file; then NV16 openGL viewer. However, box innards stuck out through the side on NOVICE*picture ray-trace perspectives. Debugging the WRL file,...