Graphical User Interface New Capabilities

The NOVICE advanced OpenGL 3D Viewer now offers the following features:

  • Locate and isolate any object(s) by any of 23 searchable parameters

    • This feature is especially useful for the large CAD files NOVICE is uniquely well equipped to process. The 23 categories are: name, object_name, object #, material #, # polys, # surface, minimum_LWH, maximum_LWH, x_length, y_width, z_height, diagonal, area, volume, box_area, box_volume, volume_ratio, minimum_x, maximum_x, minimum_y, maximum_ y, minimum_z, maximum_z


  • Instantly select any object(s) via geom.txt or tree.txt files

    • Copying a .wrl file is no longer necessary


  • Change CAD file material and density parameters for any object or set of objects instantly within the GUI

    • This automated process enables the user to simply click to access a materials library and select a new material

    • The process eliminates the previous steps of copying and pasting or running another .exe

    • The automation saves engineering hours


  • Reposition any object on screen, a step beyond

  • 3D rotating Panning: an in-system viewing perspective allowing the user to “look around” within a system

  • Change viewer background color for optimal contrast for a given object or system


Full text of this published paper is linked above.
Contact EMPC for more information.